Snails may sound unusual to many people, but here in Ha Long, snails are fished straight from the sea and maintained alive in water tanks. Gourmets may be amazed to see a very lengthy list of various exotic snails when they visit any random snail restaurant in Ha Long. Each species has a distinct look and flavor. It would be a huge waste to visit Ha Long without trying these delicacies.
The variety of Ha Long’s snails makes it impossible to recall all of their names, let alone their distinctive features. The only thing you can do is go adventurously, trying whichever dish catches your eye or travelling with a native who can explain the differences among the snails. Although Ha Long chefs have a similar recipe to mix dipping sauce for almost every snail dishes, including fish sauce, rice vinegar, chili, sugar and ginger, you may still feel clear differences if you taste different dishes.

Eating snails in Ha Long, customers have to use a local tool, a small thin long pin to hook the snail out from its shell. Using this tool properly will help you conquer any types of snails. Certain kinds of snails, however, may be consumed without the need of any tools by simply being sucked or bumped onto your plate.